Take Control of Your Family's Future with the Exact System Every Mom Boss (like you!) Needs... NOW.

Avoid Wasted Time, Money, and Stress By Having Life's Most Important Details At Your Fingertips.



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Take Control of Your Family's Future with the Exact System Every Mom Boss (like you!) Needs... NOW.

Avoid Wasted Time, Money, and Stress By Having Life's Most Important Details At Your Fingertips.

Being a mama is one of the toughest jobs out there.

You're likely juggling kids, work, and a never-ending list of to-dos.

  • Pick up the kids from school.
  • Sign your son up for soccer.
  • Send that email.
  • Reply to the Marco Polo from your sister-in-law.
  • Clean out whatever is smelling in the back of the fridge.

Need we go on?...

And there's a good chance you've let some of the important things fall by the wayside.

  • Forgot to switch the laundry and now have to re-run the load?
  • Kids late to school... again?
  • Haven't checked the mail for 3 weeks?
  • Missed buying your plane ticket before prices went up?
  • Spaced enrolling your daughter in dance and now the class is full?

OOPS. (It happens to us all!)

But there's one thing that you may be forgetting that you simply can't afford to let slip (don't worry, many moms are in the same boat):

Your family's vital and financial information.

"As a mother of 8 and facing the added challenges of my husband's early-onset degenerative disease diagnosis, life became a whirlwind of responsibilities and uncertainties. During those overwhelming times, Maria's program became a beacon of light, providing me with the security and peace of mind I desperately needed."

- Ahuva Z., Toronto, Canada | Mom of 8

If I were to ask you:

  • what your child's blood type is...
  • the latest balance in your 401K...
  • where your last will & testament is located...

...would you know right away?

If not, we can change that (no need to feel guilty!).

You're likely a high-achiever who's used to having most answers right away.

Holding this vital info (and then some!) at the top of your mind can feel plain heavy and dang exhausting... without a system in place.

And you likely already know that losing important info or not having it readily available — NOW — can cost you (in more ways than $$) and lead to serious issues.

Imagine trying to apply for a loan or a passport but not having your birth certificate or social security card.

The cost alone in time and money of getting these reprinted and the amount you'd pay in expediting fees can make you itch!

Or worse, what if something unwanted happens to you (heaven forbid!) and your family doesn't know where to find the info they need to pay the mortgage?

Not having a clear understanding of your financial situation can lead to missed payments, penalties, and even legal problems.

The consequences of disorganization can cost you time, money AND stress.

I know you know this. I know you know what it could lead to, and yet, it's still not in order.

But it doesn't have to stay that way.

If you're like so many of the mom bosses I work with, organizing your docs is not the top priority.

But keeping your family safe is.

Do you realize that without having your family's most important documents at your fingertips, you're putting your family at risk and setting yourself up for paralyzing stress, overwhelm & worry?

(not like you need any more of that in your life!)

Stress About Money.

Did you know, fewer than 50% of women who are married manage the finances in their home. Crazy, huh?!

(and if it is, NO SHAME. You're in the right place! Keep on reading...)

Not having full access to financial information and having it documented would be catastrophic if something were to happen to you, your spouse, or your marriage (or if the IRS got involved!).

We're not just talking about having access to the credit or debit card to do your weekly Costco run.

We're talking about retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, real estate, debts, and more.

We're talking about your children being taken care of no matter what happens; that you know where every penny is and your family would know, too, in case of emergency.

Could you access this info in a pinch?

Or would you be leaving money on the table because you (or a loved one) just didn’t know how and where to find it?

You deserve to be empowered and equipped with this vital and oh 👏🏽 so 👏🏽 important 👏🏽 information.

Personal Story: Our family almost lost $20,000 -- in an old retirement account from early in my husband's career. Thank goodness we took the time to pull together our financial info into our Docs In A Row™ system! That's a lot of money we could have lost! It's so nice not to worry about where our money's at.

Overwhelm Over Wasted Time.

Everything from birth certificates to social security cards to fingerprints of your children.

You may not need this information frequently, but when you need it, often you need it now.

  • Setting up a new bank account.
  • Registering a child for a high school sports.
  • Applying for housing, whether renting or buying.
  • Getting hired at a new job.
  • Traveling to someplace far away (hopefully someplace tropical ;) ).

Do you have what you need at the ready, or will you waste hours digging through piles of paperwork in your home office to find this info? Or, worse, having to pay money to order a new copy?

Worry About Your Family's Future.

Many moms want to avoid thinking about the unimaginable, or they know it's a possibility but push it aside by not doing anything about it.

But, let’s face it, if tragedy were to strike your family unexpectedly:

  • Who would be making decisions on your behalf?
  • Would your children be taken care of by the people you would want?
  • What would happen to your home and money?
  • What would happen to the life and legacy you’ve built?
  • Who would have control of your business?

If you don't have these setup, someone that you may not trust will be taking over and making these decisions for you.

When it comes to your family’s future and long-term financial security, you need to make sure that you are taking the right steps now, because when it's too late, it's often TOO LATE (or, at minimum, extremely costly $$$).

That’s why I've created a system to help you gain control over your family’s future by organizing your most important documents, helping you protect your money and avoid the wasted time and stress, to keep your family safe now and in the long-run.


Docs In A Row™


You'll learn how to gather and secure important documents like birth certificates, health information, passports, insurance policies, wills, and more, saving you the stress and cost that comes from not having these together.

Plus, we'll provide you with the exact templates and tools — both digital and printable! — that you need to start now to stay on top of your finances and track your family's important information easily.

Here's What You'll Get in Docs In A Row

The Docs In A Row online course gives you the exact step-by-step plan, tools, & easy-to-use templates to gather and secure your family's most important information once and for all.

No more rushing around trying to find lost bank accounts or important documents.

With this course, you can confidently move forward knowing that you are in control by having the most important pieces of information at your fingertips for whatever life throws at you.


No more wasted time searching for that lost social security card, only to tear up your office, creating a mess you now have to clean up.


Templates, cheatsheets, and checklists - digital and printable - to make it easier to get (and stay!) on top of your hard-earned assets.


Streamline your document organization, reducing stress and increasing productivity, allowing more time for what matters most.


Hey there, Maria here!

Mom of 5. Business geek. Popcorn lover (extra butter, please).

When my second baby at only 3 weeks old, our family moved hundreds of miles and my life felt completely out of control. My house was a constant mess, as were my emotions. I couldn't seem to stay on top of anything.

But once I decided to apply leadership principles learned in my schooling and career into my own home, I slowly began to find freedom from the overwhelm and joy again in motherhood.

The first step I took as a busy, overtired mom was taking charge of my family's most important info -- including creating a system for our finances & vital docs.

Getting my 'docs in a row' created a positive momentum and foundation that has blessed my family for many years since.

Now, I help moms like you take charge of your home + life and create powerful systems that will bless your family, too.

Let's do this together.

xo, Maria

🤍 Mom of 5. 👩🏻‍🎓MBA.
📚 #1 International Bestselling Co-Author.
💵 Master Certified Financial Coach.
💡Founder of Mom MBA.

Here's What You'll Learn:

Unlock a treasure trove of expertly curated tools, tips, and techniques that have been refined and tested for over 15 years of home management, leadership, and motherhood.


DOCS 101: Your Docs In A Row™ System
setup your system with safety and speed

In This Module, You'll Learn:

  • The proven Roadmap that will guide you to setup your Docs In A Row™ system fast.
  • Tools to easily store important documents both online and offline for quick access and optimal safety... and guidance on which docs to store where.
  • The exact supply lists to set up your system, so you don't waste dollars on office supplies you may never use.
  • How to identify your "safe people" — people you can trust with your info if something happens to you.
  • Save hours of paperwork with my pre-made Mom MBA templates -- in both printable and digital template formats!


DOCS 102: Your Vital Docs
register your child for kindergarten... or college!... with ease

In This Module, You'll Learn:

  • The exact vital docs to have on hand at all times.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to get copies of birth certificates, social security cards, passports, marriage certificates and more, in case you don't have these readily on hand.
  • Templates to organize your academic and employment history and achievements in one place, so you can feel confident and prepared in keeping track of your professional background, making it easier when applying for a job or applying for school.
  • Digitally-fillable and printable worksheets to keep up-to-date personal info and health history for each family member, including fingerprints!
  • Ensure your important family health history is easily accessible for medical emergencies.


DOCS 103: Your Money Docs
account for every dollar with confidence

In This Module, You'll Learn To:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation.
  • Streamline the process of filing taxes and tracking expenses.
  • Ensure your beneficiaries receive assets according to your wishes.
  • Protect your assets with proper insurance and estate planning.
  • Make informed financial decisions based on a clear understanding of your net worth.


DOCS 104: Your Legal Docs
protect your family and legacy with peace-of-mind

In This Module, You'll Learn How To:

  • Protect your legacy and ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes
  • Make important healthcare and financial decisions in advance with power of attorney and living will worksheets.
  • Simplify the legal process for your loved ones after your passing.
  • Keep important immigration, divorce, and custody documentation organized and easily accessible, if applicable.
  • Gain peace of mind knowing your end-of-life wishes are documented and clear, ready to take to your attorney of choice to finalize.


DOCS 105: Keeping Your Docs In A Row for a Lifetime
maintain your documents with success

In This Module, You'll Learn:

  • The #1 way to stay on top of your document portfolio system in as little as 10 minutes a year!
  • Tips on communicating with those you trust to keep the system up-to-date and available in case (heaven forbid) something happens to you.
  • Schedules and plans you can easily put into your digital calendar in a matter of minutes, that will save you hours in the long-run.

All Lessons are available in both Video and PDF format—whatever suits your learning style best.

Experience The Freedom and Peace of Mind That Comes from Taking Charge of Life's Most Important Info

You could...

...spend dozens of hours (and tons of money!) on Pinterest trying to figure it all out by yourself…. only to waste time and printer ink on print-outs and binders, mod-podging different systems together that just don't work and that ultimately make things more complicated for you in the long-term.


...leave your current situation how it is, keep paying those last-minute fees, risk misplaced financial accounts, and continue wasting time driving across town to get your papers notarized because you didn't have what you need when you need it...


you could get started putting your Docs In A Row today for only $97 and have the peace of mind knowing that all the essential pieces are easily accessible whenever you need them, no matter what challenges life throws your way!

Which are you going to choose?



When You Enroll Before Time Runs Out, You'll Get The


Family Emergency Binder Template

A ready-to-use, customizable binder template to organize all emergency information in one place. (VALUE: $150)

Digital Security Guide for Families

A guide on securing important documents, accounts, and data online. (VALUE: $125)

Home Inventory Spreadsheet

A detailed template to track household items for insurance or emergencies. (VALUE: $75)

Annual Financial Health Checklist

A step-by-step checklist to review and optimize family finances annually. (VALUE: $100)

"Time-Saving Document Organization Hacks" eBook

A downloadable eBook full of tips and tricks for staying organized. (VALUE: $75)

PLUS! You'll Receive...

Paper-ology™: Master Your Every-Day Family & Kid Papers

Is your kitchen counter piled with mail, kids' artwork, and bills? Feeling overwhelmed by paper clutter? This system is for you! Learn how to create a simple routine to clear the chaos and organize your family's everyday paperwork—forever! (VALUE: $300)


Will Workshop for Moms: Writing Your Family's Future

Join us for a comprehensive BONUS workshop exclusively for Docs In A Row members where we'll guide you, step by step, in creating your last will and testament. Protect your family's future and gain peace of mind as we simplify the process together. (VALUE: $300)

That's $1,100+ worth of resources FOR FREE



Maria is the real deal. She has a gift and has helped me organize and be accountable for the changes I wanted to make in my home and life.
Maria has over-delivered every single time. She is practical and laser-focused on providing results. She has the talent of condensing things simply, so I could implement and use the tools she teaches to make my life flow with more ease and peace.

-- Viviana R., Utah | Mom of 3 & Online Business Owner

Let's Recap –


MOM MBA: Docs In A Row™ System

Finally get the vital pieces of your life in order for when you need them, once and for all. Protect your family with this simple, yet powerful step-by-step home system designed to protect your precious time, hard-earned money, and family's future for a lifetime, in just a matter of weeks.
Includes video lessons, PDF companions, checklists, templates, step-by-step plans, and more.

BONUS #1: Complete Peace-of-Mind Organization Package

Unlock the perfect complement to Docs In A Row. Get everything you need—from the Family Emergency Binder to the Home Inventory Spreadsheet—to organize crucial documents and protect your family’s future, all in one comprehensive bundle. ($525 value)

BONUS #2: Paper-ology™: Master Your Every-Day Family & Kid Papers

Clear the clutter and find your countertops again with the powerful yet easy system every family needs. You'll receive shopping lists, label lists, and step-by-step instructions to easily and quickly get your papers from pile to file. Plus, you'll receive tips & tricks to keep it maintained.

BONUS #3: Will Workshop for Moms: Writing Your Family's Future

Join us for a comprehensive workshop exclusively for Docs In A Row members where we'll guide you, step by step, in creating your last will and testament. Protect your family's future and gain peace of mind as we simplify the process together.

That makes everything you get worth $2,122!

It's yours for only 2x $67 -or- just $127

when you enroll before this SPECIAL OFFER expires!

Get Started Now

Choose the Docs In A Row™ Plan That Works Best For You



$67 USD





$127 USD


  • Complete Personal, Legal, Financial Portfolio organization for your whole family
  • Bite-sized, easy-to-watch video lessons
  • Comprehensive digital workbook
  • Professionally-designed printables
  • Essential, time-saving checklists
  • Quick-reference shopping lists
  • Fillable worksheets (digital or pen)
  • Customizable, ready-to-use templates
  • Simplify gathering key financial info
  • Track your child’s health & fingerprints easily
  • Organize family immunizations & health
  • Step-by-step will & legal guides

PLUS, for a Limited Time:

  • BONUS! Complete Peace-of-Mind Organization Package
  • BONUS! Paper-ology™: Master Your Every-Day Family & Kid Papers
  • BONUS! Will Workshop for Moms: Writing Your Family's Future


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

Docs In A Row™ is a step-by-step program for busy moms who are ready kick the worry and overwhelm to the curb, and who are ready to put their minds at ease with a set-and-forget vital doc organization system that works for them now and in the long-term.

By the end of the first 14 days of enrolling, you'll have received access to the Docs In A Row™ System and had time to start taking action.

Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to set the foundation for your Docs In A Row™ System with templates and checklists, and learn the roadmap to put together your family's most important vital docs, all before making a final commitment.

When you do the work, it works!

But in the off chance you're not finding success with the Docs In A Row™ system even though you've put in the effort and printed & filled out the materials, simply reach out to me via email ( before the 14 days are up to submit your completed course work, show me you've taken action, and I'll refund your investment. No "cancellation fees", no gimmicks. GUARANTEED. :)

Please note that refund eligibility has a firm 14-day post-purchase deadline and also applies to payment plans, which means you will be responsible for all payments after the refund deadline of 14-days post-purchase has passed if your request is not received by then.

Everything is Online. Learn Anywhere, Anytime.

Whether parked in the carpool lane at school, or sitting nursing the baby, Mom MBA trainings are based 100% online so you can participate anywhere, anytime, in your favorite LuLu's or a pair of Levi's.

Go through the material and join the Live working sessions each week, or slow things down and work on your own schedule.

Here's The Timing Of The Program

Upon registering, you will receive immediate access to Docs In A Row™.

Other bonuses will be released 14 days after you join.

When you join, you'll have lifetime access to the complete Docs In A Row™ training library. Feel free to revisit and review it as much as you want!

BONUS: Will Workshop for Moms: Writing Your Family's Future

If you're like most moms, you can keep doctor appointments easily, but when it comes to sitting down to tackle important tasks like creating a will, it’s easy to push them off.

"I’ll do it tomorrow," or "I don't even know where to start!?!!"

...sound familiar?

We get it!

That’s why Docs In A Row™ includes a Bonus Will Workshop Training—a step-by-step guide to finally help you complete this critical task.

Set aside time, follow the workshop, and get your will done without stress.

This self-paced training provides clear guidance so you can finish without delay, helping you stay focused from start to finish.

No more procrastinating—just sign up and start organizing!


Docs in A Row is right for you if you...

  • don't have access to all of your family's financial accounts and assets.
  • are tired of over-worrying about your kids when you go on a trip, never sure if you have the right stuff put together if something happens while you're away.
  • are ready to be free of the chaos of unorganized paper messes, but just aren't quite sure how.
  • want to do more with the most precious years of your kid's childhood than endless hours of work, bills...and filing.
  • want accountability and tools to get on top of your most important family info a matter of weeks, setting you and your family up for success now and in the long-run.

Docs in A Row is NOT right if you...

  • have all your documents in perfect order at home.
  • can access your family's most important financial info at a moment's notice.
  • feel 100% confident you have all the right vital docs for each family member -- stored safely and easy to access.
  • are empowered with plans for your kids well-being if (heaven forbid) something happens to you.
  • don't really care about having the most important pieces of your life plan in place.

It's time to make a decision, Mama...

Do you want to finally get your home + life running like A BOSS and ditch the overwhelm and worry, WITH help and support of a proven system that actually works?


Do you want to leave your family at risk and keep on winging it with your financial, legal and vital home info hoping that "someday" you'll put it all in order?


"Mom MBA has changed the way I approach systems at home -- and it's made a HUGE difference! Thanks, Maria!"

- Connie V., California | Mom of 5 & Business Owner


Who is the Docs In A Row course designed for?

Docs In A Row is designed for moms who want to get their vital documents and financial information organized in a systematic way, but don't have a lot of time to waste on systems that don't work.

When do we get started?! (yay!)

Immediately!! Once you join, you will gain access to Docs In A Row™ in your Mom MBA student portal with all the info you'll need to get going!

How long will it take to complete the course?

The course can be completed at your own pace in as little as a handful of 15-minute work segments. It typically takes about 4-6 hours to completely put together your Docs In A Row portfolio system. (...which is nothing compared to the hours you may spend trying to find a lost passport last-minute!)

When will the (bonus) Will Workshop Training be held?

The Will Workshop is pre-recorded and available in your portal 14 days after joining Docs In A Row™. This flexibility is designed with busy moms in mind, allowing you to complete it whenever it fits into your schedule—whether during nap time or late at night—without the pressure of attending a live session.

How will I store my Docs? Digital or Physical?

The safest way to store vital documents is with physical copies in a secure location. However, we understand the value of digital access. In Docs In A Row, we provide guidance on safely digitizing and storing documents online, with a primary focus on gathering and organizing hard copies.

What kind of documents does the course cover?

The course covers essential documents, including personal (birth certificates, passports), health, education, employment, home (mortgage, insurance), financial (bank accounts, retirement), and estate documents (wills, power of attorney). It emphasizes organizing both physical and digital copies for easy access and long-term security.

Is there a payment plan available?

Yes, we offer a 2-payment option to make the course more affordable and accessible. Get started now with the payment plan HERE.

Is there a money-back guarantee for the Docs In A Row course?

When you join Docs In A Row, you are backed by the risk-free, action-taker's 14-day money back guarantee. You'll have the chance to dive in and get started with putting your docs in a row. You'll have access to the foundations, checklists and roadmap, all before you have to make a final decision.

MORE QUESTIONS? The Mom MBA team is here to help! Message and let's chat.

When you invest...

You’ll get full access to this course for the lifetime of this course… but more importantly you’ll be getting more clarity of mind & heart and you’ll be getting back the precious moments of motherhood that would be wasted without having the RIGHT SYSTEM in place.

NOTE: You CAN piece it together by yourself... it may just cost potentially hundreds in Etsy templates and in one-off courses that take too much of your time, only to have loads of frustration and a semi-working system that you’ve patched together, kind of like that experimental batch of cookies my tenacious child insisted on making last weekend that no one ate.

I'll see you on the inside!


The information included on this page and discussed in this program are our personal information, and in some cases, those of previous or existing clients. These results are not typical. This is not implying anything in relation to your results and your results are not guaranteed. We use these testimonials and case studies, for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to background, experience, and the action that you choose to take. Nothing in Mom MBA constitutes professional, legal and/or financial advice, nor does any information in the course constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto.